Mountain Bike Erosion and Trail Use Study

My dissertation from my degree at Nottingham Trent University, studying the erosional effects of mountain biking, walking, and horse riding on different trails. The study also looked at the social interactions between the different groups of people using the park.

The social and environmental effects of mountain biking at bestwood park in nottinghamshire

If you would like to reference this study, please let me know by commenting below, or send me an email at If you would like any further details, or access to raw data, also get in touch and I’ll see what I can do.

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8 Replies to “Mountain Bike Erosion and Trail Use Study”

  1. Been finding this very useful, I am doing a simular study but based on Sherwood pines, reading this has sent me down a few paths, and introduced me to some useful literature, thanks very much for that. I would very much like to reference the results of this study in my disseration, If that is ok with you?

    Tom Howard

  2. I found this paper very helpful for part of my BA Hons in Outdoor Education. Would i be able to reference this please.
    I have never referenced another persons paper like this, would you be able to give me an example of how to structure it?

    1. Ed, no problem!
      Your university should be able to help, but the standard format from memory would be:

      Geraghty, Tom. “The social and environmental effects of mountain biking at bestwood park in nottinghamshire” 2000. Dissertation submitted as part of a B.Sc. (Hons) at Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham.

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