With thanks to Liam Gulliver and the folks at DevOps Notts, I gave a talk recently on Resilience Engineering, DevOps, and Psychological Safety.
It’s pretty content-rich, and here are all the resources I referenced in the talk, along with the talk itself, and the slide deck. Please get in touch if you would like to discuss anything mentioned, or you have a meetup or conference that you’d like me to contribute to!
Here’s a psychological safety practice playbook for teams and people.
Resilience Engineering and DevOps slide deck
Resilience engineering – Where do I start?
Turn the ship around by David Marquet
Lorin Hochstein and Resilience Engineering fundamentals
Scott Sagan, The Limits of Safety:
“The Limits of Safety: Organizations, Accidents, and Nuclear Weapons”, Scott D. Sagan, Princeton University Press, 1993.
Sidney Dekker: “The Field Guide To Understanding Human Error: Sidney Dekker, 2014
John Allspaw: “Resilience Engineering: The What and How”, DevOpsDays 2019.
Erik Hollnagel: Resilience Engineering
Jabe Bloom, The Three Economies
Tarcisio Abreu Saurin – Resilience requires Slack
Resilience engineering and DevOps – a deeper dive
Symposium with John Willis, Gene Kim, Dr Sidney Dekker, Dr Steven Pear, and Dr Richard Cook: Safety Culture, Lean, and DevOps
Approaches for resilience and antifragility in collaborative business ecosystems: Javaneh Ramezani Luis, M. Camarinha-Matos:
Garvin, D.A., Edmondson, A.C. and Gino, F., 2008. Is yours a learning organization?. Harvard business review, 86(3), p.109.
Psychological safety: Edmondson, A., 1999. Psychological safety and learning behavior in work teams. Administrative science quarterly, 44(2), pp.350-383.
The four stages of psychological safety, Timothy R. Clarke (2020)
Measuring psychological safety:
And of course the youtube video of the talk: